Ratings for Sellers

How ratings work

Ratings help build trust between users in the Mercari community. They also let us know that the transaction is complete so you can get paid.

Rating time frame

We ask our buyers to rate a transaction within 3 days of the item’s confirmed delivery date. After they rate, we’ll let you know so you can rate them, too.

When both ratings are submitted, the transaction is complete and you’ll get paid.

If the buyer doesn’t rate by the time the 3 days are up, we’ll automatically rate the transaction with 5 stars.

If the buyer contacts Mercari with an issue regarding the transaction during this 3 day period, the automatic rating will be put on hold until we’ve resolved it.

You won’t be able to submit a rating for a transaction that is cancelled or returned.

Updating a rating

Mercari can only make positive changes to ratings. If you need to update your rating, let us know. We’re happy to help.

Reviewing your ratings

Ratings section

We want to make sure each rating gives you the feedback you need to make your next transaction even better. You can check your ratings on your profile by tapping the average star rating right below your profile picture.


Known for

“Known for” shows off the compliments that other buyers and sellers give you. It’s what you’re known for as a buyer or seller. These compliments will be visible to your future buyers and sellers.

Got a compliment? Keep up the good work.

Things to improve

“Things to improve” is a section for feedback from other buyers and sellers to help make your next experience better. This feedback is only visible to you.

You can exit out of it at any time by tapping the “x” in the top right corner.

Reporting a rating

Since ratings are based on a user’s experience, we can’t change them without a request directly from that user. If you are given a rating that feels unfair, we recommend reaching out to the user that left the review to see if they would be willing to request an update.

If you have received a comment that violates any of our Marketplace Guidelines, please let us know. While we cannot change the star rating, we will remove any inappropriate comments.

More about Ratings