Note: Please see the Internationally Shipped Items FAQ page for information about cancelation timeframes for internationally shipped orders.
While cancelations should be avoided, we understand that sometimes things happen. If you need to cancel an order, our team works hard to make sure both the buyer and seller are treated as fairly as possible. If your order shipped, please do not request a cancelation, please contact our support team and file a Lost in Transit claim.
For buyers
Buyers can ask to cancel an order any time before it ships or if the tracking hasn’t updated for 15 days. Here’s how you can cancel a purchase;
From the order status tap on “Request cancelation” and choose a reason for requesting a cancelation.
Note: if you don’t see the “Request cancelation” option, your order may not qualify for cancelation. To learn more about cancelation eligibility click here.
If it has been 15 days since your purchase, then we’ll confirm with the seller to make sure they didn’t ship using an alternate tracking number. They have 24 hours to respond to the cancelation request.
If the seller agrees to the cancelation or 24 hours have passed with no response to your cancelation request the transaction will be canceled and you will be refunded to the original payment method.
For sellers
Sellers can cancel a transaction before shipping to the buyer if the item is damaged/defective or if they’re unable to fill/ship the order. Here’s how you can cancel a sale;
Communication is key. Send the buyer a message to let them know you are canceling the order.
From the bottom of the order status page tap “Refund buyer”.
Once you confirm the cancelation, the buyer will be refunded back to their original payment method.
Note: Once an order is canceled, Sellers will not receive any payment or the item back if it was already shipped.