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Cancelation & Refunds
Cancelations for Sellers
Need to cancel a transaction? Things happen, and we’re here to help.
We want to avoid cancelations whenever possible. Please make sure to only purchase an item or create a listing when you are able to complete the transaction.
How cancelations work
Buyers can request to cancel an order before the seller confirms they’ve shipped the item.
Once the request is made, sellers have 24 hours to either confirm shipment or approve the cancelation request. If you already shipped the item, you can confirm shipment by tapping “I shipped it” from the Order Status page. If you haven’t shipped the item, you can accept the cancelation request.
If you accept the cancelation request or don’t confirm shipment within 24 hours of the buyer’s request, the order will be canceled and we’ll refund the buyer to their original form of payment.
If you confirm shipment but there are no tracking updates for 15 or more days from the date of purchase, the order is eligible for immediate cancelation at the buyer’s request. To confirm shipment or check for tracking updates, visit the Order Status page by going to your profile > Selling > In progress.
We want to keep the marketplace fair for everyone. Frequent cancelations may result in a warning or account limitation.
Canceling a sale
Need to cancel an order and refund the buyer?
Though it should be avoided as often as possible, sometimes canceling is necessary. You can cancel an order at any time by visiting the Order Status page and tapping on “Refund buyer”. Note: Keep in mind that if you cancel a transaction or accept a cancelation, you won’t get paid for the order -- even if it’s already been delivered to the buyer.
Communication is key. If you’ve noticed a flaw not covered in your listing’s description, we recommend reaching out to the buyer before canceling. They may still want to purchase the item.
Buyer cancelations
Depending on the situation, the cancelation process can be slightly different.
Here's what you need to know:
24 hour cancelation requests
Buyers can request to cancel an order before you’ve confirmed that you’ve shipped the item.
Once a request has been made, we’ll send you a notification asking you to either confirm shipment or accept the cancelation. To view and respond to open cancelation requests, visit your Order Status page.
Once a cancelation request has been made, you’ll have 24 hours to respond to the request. If don’t respond or confirm shipment of item within 24 hours, our team will approve the cancelation request.
Immediate cancelations
Once you’ve confirmed the order has shipped, we want to allow enough time for a package to be delivered. However, if there is no evidence that the item is in transit, we want to make sure the buyer will be refunded on time.
Immediate cancelations can be made if there has been no tracking updates for the item regardless of whether or not you have confirmed shipment. In order to prevent these types of cancelations, we ask that all orders, even the ones you choose to ship with your own postage, are shipped using a tracking number. That way we can verify that the item is in transit.
We recommend getting a receipt of shipment from your shipping provider. That way you’re protected even if there are issues with the tracking number.
Mercari cancelations
Occasionally, Mercari may need to cancel a transaction to keep both the buyer and seller safe.
This can happen when a prohibited item is sold or one of the users engages in prohibited conduct. For more information on these types of items and behaviors please visit our Prohibited Items or Prohibited Conduct policies.
Reviewing Cancelations
Order cancelation reviews
Because ratings can’t be submitted for a canceled transaction, order cancelations appear under the reviews of the user who canceled.
This helps keep buyers and sellers updated on how often they are canceling their orders.
Cancelations are not used in your overall review count and will not have an impact on your star rating.
Cancelation rate
If you cancel too frequently, your cancelation rate will become visible to other users on Mercari. This helps increase transparency in the marketplace.